Parshas Bo
Likutei Moharan Amud Yomi FREE Giveaway Program!
There's few things more life changing then encountering the Rebbe's Torah directly via his magnum opus, Likutei Moharan. We have the zechus in our modern times to have access to magnificent shiurim that can explain these teachings live and through the power of technology. There's no better time to hop on the train and start the journey today! We're pleased to announce our Likutei Moharan free sefer giveaway when you commit to join R Yaakov Klein's new daily Amud Yomi shiur, covering a page of Likutei Moharan every day. Claim your sefer today! Supplies limited, so get in now to claim your sefer. |
We've got magnets!Looking to spread some Breslover joy around town? We recently ran a limited production of car magnets. Pick up yours at a local shiur or contact us to get yours FREE!
Cars all around Chicago are carrying the spirit of Rabbeinu! |
what is breslov?Breslov Chassidus was founded by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Rabbi Nachman was the great grandson of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, who led one of the greatest spiritual revivals-renewals ever to occur among the Jewish people, two hundred years ago.
Rabbi Nachman followed in the tradition of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Isaac Luria and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Rabbi Luria, known as the Arizal, lived in the 16th century and was one of the greatest luminaries and expounders of Jewish mystical and spiritual thought. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was the author of the Zohar. The Message of Breslov Chassidus is one of Simcha-Happiness, Simple prayer, Faith in G-d, Finding the Tzaddik-Mashiach. Discovering the good points in yourself and others, and Finding how to serve G-d with every aspect of your being: Your mind, Your talents, Your emotions. If you are a musician, be a musician for Hashem... If you are a mechanic, be a mechanic for Hashem... It is a great Mitzvah to be Joyous always! Thriving in Israel and elsewhere worldwide, Breslov Chassidus is one of the fastest growing Jewish movements. |
about chicago breslov
Chicago Breslov is simply a group of Jews in Chicago inspired by the Torah of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. We hope to bring more shiurim, events, and content to the city and introduce as many people as possible to these timeless, joyous, deep, and life-changing teachings.
Have ideas or thoughts and want to get involved? Click here to let us know!
Have ideas or thoughts and want to get involved? Click here to let us know!