Your special weapon for the fight in Israel is ready and waiting, and you can order it for free today!A special message from R Chaim Kramer, Director of the Breslov Research Institute about the importance of Tikkun Klali during this conflict in Eretz Yisroel
Our hearts still refuse to believe it!! Over 1,200 holy Jews were murdered and sacrificed sanctifying God's name, solely because they were Jews. Images and videos of horror circulate worldwide, illustrating how deep and painful our exile is. In Likutey Moharan, lesson 67, part 2, Rebbe Nachman explains that the opening word of the Torah - 'Bereishit,' is composed of the words 'Rosh Bayit-ראש בית' (which literally means the head-of-the-house). Meaning, that when the fame and glory of the true tzaddik (whom Hashem allows to run this world), spreads out 'before the eyes of all Israel,' (these are the closing words of the Torah), then the world functions correctly, just like a well-arranged home. Indeed, we have witnessed this in Uman on Rosh Hashanah, how the name and fame of this tzaddik - Rebbe Nachman - has been so elevated and revealed throughout the world. However, Rebbe Nachman goes on to explain that when the name of the tzaddik is forgotten, this causes the forces of impurity to become stronger, to the point where Jewish souls are scattered all over, without a home — called ראש כל חוצות (literally: head of every street). When that happens, their blood is spilled like water, as was in the time of the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash, when Yirmiyahu the prophet wept over the spilled Jewish blood and mourned, “The holy stones were scattered at the head of every street” (Lamentations 4:1). The holy stones refer to the Jewish souls whose blood was spilled as in a place where there is no household head. Apparently this is what is happening now: the ראש כל חוצות is overpowering the ראש בית. This is what we are experiencing, the feeling that there is no household head in the world. Specifically for this reason, we must strengthen ourselves to fulfill the guidelines of Rebbe Nachman, so that we don’t fall prey to the evil inclination which wants to draw us into depression and melancholy. Certainly, we must have a broken heart – but only to the point where we are motivated to pray, do hitbodedut, and say Tehillim. How can we tell the difference between depression and a broken heart? If we feel heaviness, a lack of inclination to pray, etc. – that’s a sign that we’re immersed in sadness, which reinforces the ראש כל חוצות. What we must do is simply to pray, engage in good deeds, and also, to force ourselves to dance and clap hands. Rebbe Nachman taught in Likutey Moharan lesson 10 that dancing and hand-clapping mitigates harsh decrees. There are plenty of songs and dances with words of prayer and beseeching Hashem! The main thing is to always bear in mind that there is a King who rules over all the world. It’s up to us to strengthen the name of the tzaddik as much as we can, with all our strength. At this time, we are printing a special edition of 20,000 copies of 'Tikkun Haklali' with insights from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman for our brothers (and sisters) who are fighting on the front lines. This will be a safeguard and a source of abundant success, God willing. –– Rabbi Chaim Kramer, BRI Breslov |