Reb Chaim Returns - May 2024SCHEDULE
Private meetings available by request! Contact Josh at 414-534-1207 or contact us here. |
Summer 2022
The Torah is our guide to life and our Rabbonim are the shepherds who help us along the path. So many of us are struggling with fear, anxiety, depression, and many other emotional and spiritual difficulties made so many times worse by the state of the world. For many, the emotional and spiritual struggles far exceed the physical struggles.
"Heal, My Soul" was a seven-part mini-series focusing on addressing these tremendously important issues using the timeless teachings of Rebbe Nachman in Likutei Moharan. Tune into one, some, or all of the classes, to hear Torah, techniques, and guidance from our Rabbonim on how to climb out of the darkness of our times. |
April 2022
Rabbi Yaakov Klein is the author of "The Story of Our Lives" and founder of the Lost Princess Initiative. Recently a book group was created in Chicago, similar to many others sprouting up around the country, to discuss, learn, and consume the deep messages and teachings found in this groundbreaking work. It was a great zechus to hear more about R. Klein's outlook on life, penimius haTorah, and our mission in modern times b'ikvaaa d'mashicha (in the times just before the coming of Mashiach.) To learn more about the book group and how to join, click here.
December 2021
![]() ABOUT THE SPEAKER Rabbi Yehoshua Karsh grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is a graduate of Brisk Yeshiva High School in Chicago and Marquette University where he received an M. Ed in Guidance and Counseling. Rabbi Karsh spent seventeen years in Jerusalem continuing his studies and teaching at Ohr Somayach, Neve Yerushalayim Jewish Educational Network, B'not Torah Institute and Shayara. Upon moving to Chicago, Rabbi Karsh became Director of Outreach at the Chicago Community Kollel. It was during his tenure at the Kollel that he helped found the Torah Learning Center. Rabbi Karsh is also currently a Rabbi at Darchei Noam of Glenbrook, a vibrant new orthodox community in Northbrook. Students of Rabbi Karsh have discovered that, through his background in Guidance and Counseling and his extensive teaching experience, Rabbi Karsh has helped them connect more spiritually to Judaism, giving their lives a greater sense of relevance and purpose. Rabbi Karsh currently lives in Northbrook with his wife, Tzippy, and their four sons. He spends as much of his time as possible with his children and grandchildren. |
November 2021