Above is the tzuras haDaf of the sefer that will be distributed.
We are so excited that you are ready to embark on a journey that will change your life - learning Likutei Moharan daily! Join R Yaakov Klein, founder of Eilecha, in his new and incredible shiur of Likutei Moharan Amud Yomi, learning a page from Rebbe Nachman's heilge magnum opus every day! Below you can find a form where you can request a FREE HEBREW ONLY Likutei Moharan to use in your learning. This offer can be shipped TO THE UNITED STATES ONLY. PREREQUISITE: In order to ensure that you are committed to this new limud and understand what the Torah of Rebbe Nachman is like, before you submit this form we require that you listen to at least 1 Likutei Moharan shiur from R Yaakov Klein's Amud Yomi series. Links are below. YOUR COMMITMENT: By completing this form you commit to bli neder learning through at least 7 additional Likutei Moharan Amud Yomi shiurim with the intention of learning Likutei Moharan daily. Note: If you wish to help sponsor our free Likutei Moharan giveaway and change someone's life through the Torah of Rabbeinu, Rebbe Nachman, please visit reach out at chicagobreslov.org/contact - Tizku L'Mitzvos Supplies are limited and we will fulfill requests on a first come, first served basis! Currently we have only 200 copies available for giveaway, so please get in now! Once again: The sefer is HEBREW ONLY and can be shipped inside THE UNITED STATES ONLY. Links to the shiurim: Join the Eilecha Whatsapp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KMrL9YTjnJO7HtozPHkmHx Subscribe on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0GaVnCI4LLrMiN7tSjWbpv?si=f170a2045cb64d6c Watch the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVjIbi2VQ0W3aYonCFhd8eNxVOhXpuYql |